To All Members,
I just wanted to post this guideline thread up because since the Short Story section that use to be up [with the different genres having their own board] has been condenced into one section I thought it would be smart to give you all a guideline for laying out your short stories when posting them.
For those who have already posted a short story, dont worry about editing it, just follow these guidelines in the future.
When posting one of your short stories make sure there are these headings:
[x] Title
[x] Author
[x] Genre
[x] Rating: [Australian Rating system is adviseable]
G [All ages]
PG [For children over the age of 13]
M [For people over the age of 15]
MA15+ [Same as above but contains alot more violence]
R18+ [For those over the age of 18]
[x] Short description of short story. Blurb if you will.
[x] Word Count.
This makes it easier for people to know exactly what they are reading before they get into the story. Some people may not like to read a science fiction and would prefer a horror, but if these headings are not in place then they will not know this until they are half way through the piece.
Please use the headings above in all of your short story posts.
Any post`s that do not have these headings then they will be blocked from viewing until either the author can edit their work or have one of the mods or admins edit it for them. If the piece is still not edited then it will be taken down.
Thank You
.::Brianna::. &
The Management Team